Apple’s Commitment to 100% Recycled Cobalt in Batteries by 2025

cobalt batteries


Mined predominantly in regions with relaxed environmental regulations, the extraction of cobalt has raised issues related to deforestation, water pollution, and hazardous working conditions.
apple circuit board
By 2025, all Apple-designed printed circuit boards, including all main logic boards, will have 100 percent recycled gold plating and 100 percent recycled tin soldering.

At the forefront of technological innovation, Apple Inc. has yet again set a groundbreaking milestone in the pursuit of sustainability. In a recent announcement, the tech giant declared its ambitious goal to exclusively use 100% recycled cobalt in the production of batteries by the year 2025. This marks a significant leap forward in Apple’s commitment to environmental responsibility and resource conservation.

Why Cobalt Matters

Cobalt, a crucial component in lithium-ion batteries powering our devices, has often been associated with environmental and ethical concerns. Mined predominantly in regions such as the Congo (Kinsasha) with relaxed environmental regulations, the extraction of cobalt has raised issues related to deforestation, water pollution, and hazardous working conditions.

Apple’s decision to transition to 100% recycled cobalt addresses these concerns head-on, demonstrating the company’s dedication to reducing its environmental footprint and fostering a more sustainable supply chain.

Key Benefits of Recycled Cobalt

Reduced Environmental Impact: Recycling cobalt significantly lessens the demand for new mining operations, mitigating the associated environmental harm. By reusing this essential material, Apple is taking a proactive step towards a circular economy.

Ethical Sourcing: The recycling of cobalt reduces dependency on mining in regions where ethical concerns persist. Apple’s commitment to recycled cobalt aligns with its broader initiative to promote responsible sourcing and fair labor practices across its supply chain.

Resource Conservation: By maximizing the use of existing cobalt, Apple contributes to the conservation of this valuable resource. This not only aligns with sustainable business practices but also ensures the longevity of the global cobalt supply.

Apple’s Ongoing Sustainability Journey

This latest commitment to 100% recycled cobalt follows Apple’s continued efforts to integrate environmentally friendly practices into its operations. The company has previously made strides in utilizing recycled materials in its products and achieving carbon neutrality across its corporate operations.

Our Shared Responsibility

As a metal recycling company, we recognize the integral role we play in supporting Apple’s vision for a more sustainable future. Together, we can support Apple’s commitment to using 100% recycled cobalt by 2025. It is a testament to the transformative power of sustainable practices and a reminder that, when it comes to environmental stewardship, we all have a part to play.

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