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Latest News From D Block Metals


The purpose of this document is to define the policy of the management of D Block Metals has adopted with respect to the use of Responsibly Sorced Minerals, as well as communication requirements both internally and to our counterparties.


The company President is responsible for understanding the requirements of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Section 1502 and staying current with policy requirements of the OECD guidance documents for due diligence requirements to avoid the use of Responsibly Sourced Minerals and develop the Company Policy accordingly. To remain current, D Block is registered with to receive automatic updates.


  1. Specifically identify Tantalum Materials
  2. Identify Conflict Affected and High-Risk Areas (CAHRA)
  3. Publicly communicate the policy by requiring placement on our website
  4. Incorporate the policy into purchasing, shipping, and receiving, and training procedures
  5. Establish an effective date
  6. In the event ore is purchased, Class-7 Radioactivity Transportation requirements need to be addressed.
  7. If ore is ever purchased from CAHRA’s, OECD guidance must be followed.


D Block Metals takes our responsibility seriously for the environment, our employees, our local community, and the global community. Since we began operation in January 2012, we have fully supported the position of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA); formerly EICC, the Global e-Sustainability Initiative (GeSI), and the Tantalum-Niobium International Study Center (TIC)

To promote and ensure the exclusive use of responsibly sourced tantalum, D Block Metals commits to:

  • OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas to establish processes avoiding the use of minerals sourced from conflict regions.
  • Communicating our sourcing policies to all suppliers regarding our requirements pertaining, but not limited to; serious human rights abuses associated with the extraction, transport, or trade of minerals; zero-tolerance of support to non-state armed groups (including public or private security forces); zero-tolerance of bribery or fraudulent misrepresentation of the origins of minerals; and zero-tolerance of money laundering and payments of taxes, fees, or royalties to any party other than the host government. If any upstream supplier is found to be performing any of the activities, D Block Metals will immediately suspend and/or terminate engagement with said entity.
  • Continued cooperation with the RBA’s Responsible Mineral Initiative (RMI) through Responsible Minerals Assessment Process (RMAP).
  • Establishing policies to ensure we adhere to international transportation regulations for class-7 materials and only buy materials from companies who objectively prove compliance with the guidelines.
  • Establish long-lasting business relationships with our suppliers, mutually strengthening our KYC (Know Your Counterparty) policies and ensuring that no minerals that contribute conflict or human rights abuses enter our facilities.

D Block Metals Company Policies & Reports


Supply Chain

This policy outlines the goals, avoidances, and penalties that D Block Metals uses to ensure that none of our material can be considered a conflict mineral.


Conflict Minerals Grievance

The purpose of this document is to outline the process to note incidents and file grievances with D Block Metals, LLC. pertaining to our Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI)


Conflict Minerals Due Diligence

D Block Metals is committed to compliance to the guidelines set forth in the Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).

Latest News From D Block Metals